When I was clearing my front garden in early spring I noticed there was a small …

When I was clearing my front garden in early spring I noticed there was a small cluster of weeds under my dogwood tree. I decided to leave it since it was in complete shade and it looked happy and harmless. All summer it just did it’s own thing, looking happy and thriving, as most weeds do, as you know.

Today I noticed it had formed flower stalks and flowered. They are such small, pretty dainty flowers. I was excited, I could finally figure out what kind of weed it was. I knew it was in the legume family since it had leaves in clusters of three and it reminded me of a bush bean plant.

So I found out it’s a tick trefoil. It produces those long fuzzy segmented seed pods that break apart into little green triangles and stick to your clothes like Velcro. Those seeds even survive several trips through the washer and drier. And if you don’t remove them from your clothes before they hit the washer they will find their way into your under garments. ?

I will enjoy its flowers for several more days, since the plant owes me that much for offering it shade and water, then it will be removed before it goes to seed. I feel betrayed—by a stinkin’ weed. ?

#homestead #homesteading #farmlife #hobbyfarm #gardening #garden #homegrown #homesteadlife #prettyweed #ticktrefoil #owlcreekhollow


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